Can crushers are very useful tools to have in your home but there are various models out there so it is very hard to choose the best one of them. In this comparison post we will be looking at the TOP 5 can crushers that are made completely out of metal so they are much more resilient than those regular plastic devices. Because these crushers are used to crush aluminum cans it makes sense that they are also made from metal to be able to sustain that crushing force for prolonged periods. All of the crushers that we will look at, down below, are made with metal parts and are welded together to form a very resilient seals. But because every manufacturer have their own plans and design each crusher is different from the other and that is why we need to look at each of them separately.
BuffaloTools CNCRSH Deluxe
Buffalo Tools can crusher is an all steel crusher that is designed to be efficient and be able to crush cans with ease. This device has the dimensions of 4 inches x 4 inches x 8.5 inches (10.1 cm x 10.1 cm x 21.6 cm) so it is very compact but it can still crush all cans up to 16 oz in size. For the larger beverage cans you will need to bend them slightly to fit into the crusher mechanism and then to completely flatten them but for all smaller cans this crusher will work perfectly. This device is made from heavy duty steel plates that have been welded together to form a solid structure with only two moving parts that increases the overall durability and longevity of this device. Buffalo Tools have made this device to be hand operated so it has a rubberized cushion grip handle that will allow the user to crush cans without getting any blisters and do it comfortably. This Deluxe crusher has a grey color and it is secured to any wall with three top mounted screws that hold it in place and will not let it maneuver around easily. This crusher is one of the simplest crushing devices that you can have but it still gets the job done with ease.
Basic Industries International 77703
77703 Can crusher is what we call a semi-automatic crusher as this device has a loading mechanism and it automatically disperses of those crusher cans trough the slot at the bottom. This can crusher is made from steel beams and steel plates that are mounted together to form the basic form of this crusher that has a loading mechanism, crushing arm and the crushing mechanism at the middle. This model is designed to crush only 12 ounce cans so you will not be able to put in larger beer or soda cans and that is considered a great drawback. 77703 crusher does not have a cushion grip handle and that can be a painful experience if you need to crush dozens of cans at once as the metal handle will hurt your hands and it would be best to do the crushing with gloves or create some sort of cushion mechanism. But because this device is made entirely from steel it is very sturdy and will work for thousands of cans reducing their size for up to five times and unloading them automatically in the trash can underneath the fixture.
MasterCrush Recycler
MasterCrush aluminum can crusher is a can-crushing device that is made out of an all steel structure with stainless steel rods that act as hinges and will allow you to operate this unit smoothly and comfortably. This crusher is one of the best on the market and not just because it is made from metal but because it can crush all can sizes up to 30 ounces, and no other crusher can do that! This device has a powder coated structure and a cushion grip non-slip handle that makes it look great but the operation is just phenomenal. Basically to Install this device you just need to screw it to the wall and put the handle on. Then lube those two stainless steel rods and you are good to go! This device has a 90 day warranty but I doubt you will need to use it as that steel structure is sturdy and will allow you to crush beverage cans as well as smaller plastic bottles. The handle is very easy to operate and it has a very ergonomic position so you will be able to crush those cans to less than an inch (2.5 cm) thickness. This crusher has the overall dimensions of 9 inches x 3.75 inches x 3.9 inches (22.7 cm x 9.3 cm x 9.7 cm) so it is still very compact, even though you will be able to crush cans up to size of 30 oz.
Pacific Precision Metals The CRUSHER
The crusher is another all steel crusher device that is capable of crushing cans up to 16 OZ in size and does that all with an easy to grip cushion handle and great looking design. This crushing device has the dimensions of 3 inches x 4.4 inches x 16.8 inches (7.6 cm x 11.1 cm x 42 cm) so it is not the smallest device and because of that all-steel structure it weighs 4.6 pounds (2 kg). But this weight and size does not matter that much because The Crusher is a wall mountable device and you need to screw it to the wall before starting to crush your cans. The crusher has a manual operated crushing mechanism where you have to put new cans inside and take those crushed pucks out by hand and that can be dissatisfying to some users but in general that process is not that different from those semi-automatic crushers. This unit feels really solid and the metal structure is made extremely well but the handle is not that great as it is not fastened inside those mounts with screws and if you apply more force it can come loose. Overall this is a great device and the fact that you can crush larger 16 OZ cans is a big advantage but like all other crushers it has some drawbacks.
Pacific Fabrications 77702 12 OZ can crusher
This Pacific Fabrications product is designed to crush the standard 12 OZ cans and do it with ease because of that all-steel structure. This 77702 crusher has a steel beam structure and three steel plates that are mounted together to create a complete crushing experience. The manufacturer states that this has a lifetime warranty but I doubt that they would really give such a claim as no device is that durable especially if this crusher needs to constantly bend metal cans that are designed not to be crushed that easily. That steel structure is coated with black paint but don’t be that attached to that color as when you crush cans the paint will scrape off from the constant movement and the friction as well as the force of metal to metal interaction. This crusher is made for the everyday use but the fact that it cannot crush bigger cans and that there is no cushion grip on the handle does not give this device such a great reputation.